Outside the street was a-buzz with the crowd of hipsters daring to ride uptown be part of the ultimate ‘in the know’ of the urban experience now being referred to as graffiti ‘art.’ We were carefree and full of life at how great it was to be the reason the world was now looking at us. Finally, they were taking notice and wanting to know us some more.
At the door we gathered, wrapped in each other’s embrace to show a force of support to Stefan and Crash for their courage to bring together this event. As life would have it, this would be the beginning of a global phenomenon sparking the interests of young and fresh creative talent everywhere. But this was not even a thought in our minds at this second. It was all about us and only us… and the next magnificent train I would paint with another graffiti superstar.
As Crash, Mare139, Lady Pink, Lali, Lady Heart, Lynda, Python and I posed for this picture at the door to the opening of Fashion Moda that day, it brings back fond memories of living a history of New York that led to Hip-Hop and explosion of recognition of Graffiti in the Art World. We were pioneering an era of free spirit and creativity not seen in the urban decay of inner cities. While as a group this was unbeknownst to us, the moment did not escape me. I knew there was something of greater importance growing within these events, it was only a matter of time before the world knew it.
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