I was invited by J6 and Gonzo to be a part of this history making event they were planning. Here was this great opportunity to meet other writers from Texas and nearby states. On the roster were many names, none of which I knew or had heard of, except one: SEEN UA. So this looked to be an interesting time!
I had not socialized with SEEN UA in quite a few years— too many to remember at that time. But I knew we would be happy to see each other. I had always included him on key major bombing missions with the biggest names in the game, Dondi, Butch II, Kase II, Crash, Shy147 and Cos207. This time was going to be different: I didn’t know anyone but him.
I flew down to Houston and stayed at a hotel nearby. In the morning, J6 picked me up and we connected with Gonzo at the Wall of Fame. There were many writers already painting as I walked along, stopping to meet everyone as they painted and shared their enthusiasm. The wall stretched for what seemed miles to me! Texas is such a big place. When I reached the spot were SEEN painted he was already done. His piece was HUGE, as to be expected. Simple letters with a nice flow and clean color palette made the execution stand out even more against the tornado of colors and letter forms being painted all around him.
When we circled back to my section, I was provided with a good array of colors to choose from and options to exchange if they weren’t working for me. As far as I was concerned, even black and white would have worked! It was about creating something with whatever tools existed. Limited or not, I was gonna rock something to represent. This was evident in the final piece: With 5 cans of paint I did my signature simple letterforms and called it a day. Off we went for some Texas style BBQ. We all gathered at a long table to chop it up about the past, styles, trains, etc. All very interesting experiences, even without all the embellishments or exaggerations!
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